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Tuesday, 28 May 2019 10:03

3 Big Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Using Solar

There's a renewable energy revolution happening around the world, no thanks to worsening climate condition and other environmental factors.


We're at the time of highest awareness and need to utilize clean energy, whether at home or in business.


In fact, within a couple of years big business names like Google, Facebook and Coca-Cola have announced plans to switch to a more sustainable route -- particularly solar.


So, as a responsible business owner, isn't it time that you, too, run your business using solar power? 


If you're still in doubt about what solar can bring to your business, read on.


30K Tax Savings June 2019


1. Reduced Energy and Operating Cost

It's a known fact that Australia has the most expensive energy prices. And there's no sign that it's going to get any lower sometime soon.

With solar, you can use free energy to run your business. You get to slash your energy bill and use money that you save to further improve and expand your business.

With Australia receiving the most amount of sunlight that any other continent, you can be sure that going solar is a smart choice.


2. Enjoy Government Incentives

You commercial solar will most likely be connected to the grid and could enjoy buyback rate.  Don't expect too much though as the rate has become less generous compared to 5 or 3 years ago. This doesn't make solar any less of an investment though.


3. Everybody Loves Green Credentials

Wouldn't it make you feel good to know that you're not only helping your customers but also making contributions to environmental conservation?  

With the world becoming more and more aware and concerned for the environment, yours will be one company that consumers will easily trust.

And it's not just consumers, employees also consider working for a company that is committed to serving customers and the environment.



Interested in this irresistible offer? Click the banner. 

30k tax break and 4 free panels


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