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Friday, 21 November 2014 10:58

Our Customers Tell Our Story For Us

We accidentally phoned the wrong customer about a service enquiry the other day. Right name, wrong person.

After realising the error and apologising we were about to hang up when the customer launched into the most heart warming non elicited endorsement of her solar system. While it may not be word perfect this is near to what she said......


"Actually i love my solar. We used to get quarterly blls of $900 or more and now our bills are hardly ever more than $350. We took a loan at the time to repair our roof and extended it to add the solar system. It was the best thing we ever did. The loan repayments are less than the old power bills and it is such a relief to not get that whopping big power bill every three months. I happily pay the power bill now, but before I used to be scared to even open it because I knew it was always a stretch to the budget."

I asked her if she would mind me passing in her thoughts to others. "Please do" she said.

So her we are. Being passionate about solar, WE know what a great investment it is in household budget control, but hearing that our customers feel the same way and are out there telling our story for us, How fantastic is that?

Let us know if you would like us to help you "tame your power bills".


Call us on 02 6547 1100 or send us an email through our Contact page.







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