Written by MV Solar | Dec 2, 2017 4:00:00 AM
What a day!!! Challenging all round by all accounts - slippery roads with varying surfaces has proved challenging with quite a few competitors sliding off - looks like there could be a few DNF'S at the end of today. The MV Solar team are motoring along and had moved to 20th position at end of Ss3 this morning but the 1600 while mechanically travelling ok, has been a fuel guzzler - in fact running out at the beginning of Ss4. Dennis and Kerry got to them and refueled but were caught up in the Ss4 queue and had to wait it out before they could head to the spectator point. Dangerous conditions resulted in the cancellation of Ss4 and then Ss7 and Ss8, however Ss9 has now been completed and the crews are calling it a day in preparation for more action tomorrow.