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Solar Buzz
The most buzz-worthy solar/renewable industry news from the past week.
- The CEC will officially launch its Speakers Guide to Women in Renewables next week. Its intention is to accelerate industry development with diverse insights, and inspire young women to fill looming skills gaps in a booming field.
Read the full article at PV Magazine
- New report released by The Australia Institute reveals the Senate crossbench has safeguarded $23.4 billion worth of investment in renewable energy from 2013-2018, when it prevented the Coalition Government from abolishing the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, ARENA and slashing the Renewable Energy Target.
Read the full article at PV Magazine
- A new regulation has highlighted the thousands of offers electricity retailers make to new customers, mostly through commercial comparison sites. These sites typically do not include the best possible offers, funnelling consumers into higher-cost plans in exchange for fees from energy companies.
Read the full article at EcoGeneration
- Solar gardens could provide sustainable energy for the 30 percent of Australian consumers currently excluded from the solar market, according to new research led by the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) and Community Power Agency.
Read the full article at Architecture And Design
- As well as saving Victorian households a bundle of cash on going solar, the state’s Solar Homes Package rebate scheme is giving local employment a boost too.
Read the full article at Solar Quotes
- Recently published research from the USA’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory indicates “floatovoltaics” could make a significant contribution to electricity generation in the country.
Read the full article at Solar Quotes
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Solar Top Tip
Is you inverter in need of a check? Observe the metering, LED indicators and other displays to see if it requires maintenance. |