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Solar Buzz
The most buzz-worthy solar industry news from the past week.
- The finalists for the 2018 Solar Design and Installation Awards are in and include a stand-alone solar PV system inspired by the African thorn tree, the largest privately-owned rooftop solar installation in the Southern Hemisphere and a 68-year-old diesel train converted into the world’s first solar-powered train in Byron Bay, NSW.
- AGL has announced it will no longer install solar panels on homes, a decision which has brought a $47 million loss upon the company.
- As mining companies become more aware of the rapidly falling costs of renewables, wind and solar are set become a growing trend in powering mining operations worldwide over the coming years, shows a new report.
- The sun-baked desert of the Sahara offers a nearly limitless source of energy using solar panels and wind farms, with one project hoping to power half the world by 2050.
Keeping It Local
Royal Hotel Muswellbrook is Muswellbrook's number 1 entertainment venue. Drop in and enjoy Funked Up Fridays, Karaoke Saturdays, Bistro and more.
Royal Hotel Muswellbrook |
What's Happening
22 September: World CarFree Day Every year on or around 22 September, people from around the world get together in the streets, intersections, and neighbourhood blocks to remind the world that we don't have to accept our car-dominated society. |