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Solar Buzz
The most buzz-worthy solar industry news from the past week.
- The proportion of solar customers in the National Energy Market (NEM) was fewer than 0.2 per cent in 2007-08. But after only 10 years -- decade of toxic political debate around climate change, carbon pricing and energy policy -- it's 12 per cent and rising. The politics of fear have fuelled the DIY power boom.
- A renewable energy infrastructure that is both functional and beautiful! An Italian architect creates the concept design of the 'Sun Ray', a massive solar collector that could generate enough energy to power 220 Melbourne homes.
- Samoa has just become the first country in the Pacific to install battery energy storage systems and micro grid controller.
Here's some weird news...
- An Adelaide driver has been cautioned and fined for modifying his 4WD with a solar panel and a gas cylinder.
Keeping It Local
You can trust the hairstylists at Elegance Hair & Beauty to make you look fab and glam whatever the occasion! They have been in the business for over 25 years and were recently awarded the GOLD accreditation from the Australian Hairdressing Council.
Elegance Hair & Beauty |
MVS Quote Pick
"Our system will allow us to run both the house and studio on sun power alone, even on cloudy days... With the sun estimates to burn another 5 billion years, I'm stoked about my energy independence." |