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Solar Buzz
The most buzz-worthy solar/renewable industry news from the past week.
- Australia's boom in renewable energy faces an impasse unless more is done to develop infrastructure to complement wind, solar and pumped hydro storage systems, an expert has warned.
Read the full article at ABC News
- A rapid shift to renewable energy wouldn’t just clean up electricity generation, it would create an employment boom with as many as 60,000 new jobs over the next decade.
Read the full article at
- AGL is the latest Australian company to develop its own solar trading platform, allowing households to ensure their excess solar power isn’t wasted and they are earning as much as they can from their installation.
Read the full article at Sydney Morning Herald
- The dramatic drop in the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules is often touted as a major success story. But what exactly accounts for the stunning drop? A new analysis has pinpointed what caused the savings, including the policies and technology changes that mattered most.
Read the full article at Science Daily
- Australia is moving closer to becoming a global leader in ocean energy, with a tidal turbine in Queensland pumping electricity into the grid, providing power to homes and industry.
Read the full article at ABC News
- This Friday, November 30, thousands of Australian students will go on strike, demanding their politicians start taking serious action on climate change.
Read the full article at Sydney Morning Herald
Keeping It Local
Get your beef and lamb cuts from Max's Country Cuts.
Max's Country Cuts |
Solar Top Tip
Use a microinverter to minimise shading and mismatch problems between panels. |