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Solar Buzz
The most buzz-worthy solar/renewable industry news from the past week.
- Australian companies aiming to join the ranks of Apple and Google - who have reached 100 per cent renewable energy - will meet at the RE100 global initiative in Sydney.
Read the full article at SBS News
- The shift to renewables by the giants of industry continues with the news that Coca-Cola Amatil will install 3.5MW of solar, to cut its grid power usage in Australia by 14 per cent and its annual energy costs by up to $1.3 million.
Read the full article at One Step Off The Grid
- A team of sustainability-minded engineers is set to fire up the conversation around sustainable transport through a globe-trotting solar-powered tuk tuk adventure.
Read the full article at The Fifth Estate
- A startup in Israel is implanting tiny solar panels on electronic devices that allows the devices to sustainably generate their own power, the latest sign that falling costs are pushing renewable energy technologies deeper into everyday use.
Read the full article at Bloomberg
Solar Top Tip
Unplug your appliances. Many modern appliances use stand-by power |