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Monday, 29 April 2019 09:46

MV Solar Roundup #50


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Buzzworthy Solar/Renewable Energy News

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has proposed a $36 million microgrid pilot programme to test the feasibility of microgrids in remote and poorly served regions of the country. 
- Smart Energy


In the run-up to the May federal election, thirteen farmer and irrigator groups have called for more government support for solar PV and battery storage installed on site, and removal of barriers to connecting on-farm generation to the grid.
- PV Magazine


Thirteen of Victoria’s water corporations have partnered to buy clean energy from the Kiamal Solar Farm in north-west Victoria, at a much cheaper rate than would be possible individually.
- PV Magazine


"I drive into the neighborhood and I see people on their porch, and I ask them how is their house treating them? And they say 'Good.' And I say what's your utility bill? And they'll throw something out like, '24 bucks', and I feel fantastic."
-- Brad Pitt


Australia’s Western Power is to install approximately 238,000 smart meters as part of its meter replacement programme, and new meter installations.
- Smart Energy


This article is about the best angle to tilt solar panels for the maximum possible energy yield over a year.  It’s a common belief that panel tilt from horizontal should equal a location’s latitude, but this is not quite correct. In 7 of Australia’s 8 capitals the best angle is at least 3 degrees less than the latitude.
- Solar Quotes


The South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has tabled a new draft energy master plan that increases the nation’s ambition to move away from coal and towards renewable energy, according to a briefing note released by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).
- Saur Energy 


Scientists have discovered that caffeine can help make a promising alternative to traditional solar cells more efficient at converting light to electricity. Their research may enable this cost-effective renewable energy technology to compete on the market with silicon solar cells.
- Science Daily 


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How's the Weather?

Hunter Region Weather 4 29-5 5 19


Solar Top Tip

Solar Top Tip

Ask your solar company if the products that they install are manufactured locally or imported, and if the importers have offices in Australia.


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