MV Solar - News

MV Solar... Here To Help!

Written by MV Solar | Apr 1, 2015 12:56:00 AM

Over the past week, MV Solar has been receiving a few calls from concerned Denman residents.

What has our neighbours so worried?


Door to door sales people... That’s what!



We have been hearing stories about solar companies who are putting the pressure on people to sign on the dotted line at the first meeting.

We do not agree with this type of sales technique.

Before putting pen to paper you need to be able to consider your options, and the financial implications, before making a decision.


Solar is a long term investment- you need to know what you are buying and know the company selling it to you.

MV Solar are here to help- if you have been visited and are not sure what to do or say, give us a call!

We can arrange for someone to arm you with some information and important questions to ask to keep other sales people on their toes.

MV Solar are your local solar team- here to help our community, so we are being proactive in our response to these visitors.


Over the coming weeks, keep an eye out for your friendly, local, solar team who will be out and about to answer your questions.

We are not going to pressure sell you.

We are going to help you make a well informed decision to buy a system if that is the best solution for you.


Want to know more, now? Talk to us.