
Success Story Of MV Solar's First Micro Inverter System Installed In Viti Levu Island

In July 2017, Northern Club Latuoka took an historic decision to install a grid connect solar system to promote the use of Renewable Energy and create awareness in Fiji & the Pacific. With the huge membership that the Club enjoys, this project found instant and total support as most members are highly knowledgeable and understand the high importance of Green initiatives in the region. 


MV Solar were commissioned to install the system using our cutting edge technology ia combination of Winaico Solar panels and Enphase Micro Inverters.. The details are furnished below.

We believe in bringing the best technology in the world to Fiji and making it work here.


All this is happening when Fiji presides over the COP23 and we are very proud of Northern Club who have decided to support our Prime Minister not only in talk but in taking REAL ACTION.


Even though the effort seems like a drop in the Ocean – we all know that drop by drop an Ocean fills!!!!




System Size: 5kWp Location: Tavewa Avenue, Lautoka City, Fiji

Type: Roof top mounting

Technlogy: Micro Inverters with Typhoon rated Solar panels with remote monitoring of Individual panels and Micro Inverters on a 24x7 basis from anywhere in the world

Date of Installation: 1st August 2017

Production till date: 4.03MWh (6month period)

Highest Production per day: 32.47kWh/day achieved on January 20th 20a8, See graph below

(Average production: 22.38kWh/day)

Guaranteed Production: 20kWh/day

Carbon Emission avoided: 2.79 Metric Tonnes




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