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Friday, 06 June 2014 12:57

Who Gets The Best Payback From Solar PV?

Who gets the best payback from Solar PV?

We know that when a consumer with a nett solar feed in system wants to maximise the benefit of their system there is a key strategy to make that happen.

Your solar panels will produce power between about 9.30am and 4.30pm, so the aim is to use as much of the power you get during that period.

In a household it is an impossible dream, as we know you'll be up in the morning earlier doing breakfast and getting ready for the day, and home in the evening in that period through dinner until bed time, both times using grid power at a price you can't control.

On the other hand a commercial business starts at 8 or 9am and closes at 5pm, almost perfectly matching consumption with the solar generation hours.

OK, so that makes the commercial site a clear winner.... closely followed by a well managed home user.


To find out how you can be a winner in controlling your power costs, call us on 02 6547 1100 or email on

More in this category: 60c Gross Feed In Systems Now Have Certainty Of The Future »


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